See the Benefits in Your Meat to Maintain a Healthy and Balanced Diet

Many people are looking for ways to improve their diet and lifestyle. The benefits of eating healthy can be seen in your energy levels, mood, weight, and overall health. One way that you can make sure you are getting the nutrients your body needs is by including grassfed beef in your diet. Grassfed beef has more omega 3 fatty acids than grain finished meat does! This blog post will show you the benefits of grassfed beef so that you have everything you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle with an appropriate amount of protein intake.

The benefits of eating grassfed beef are numerous, Grain fed cows are given a concentrated feed that is high in carbohydrates, which makes them grow faster and gain weight more quickly than grass finished meat cattle. This type of feeding also shortens the lifespan of these cows (which believe it or not can live up to twenty years!) because they don't have access to grass throughout their lives--not just for about four months like grass fed meats do. 

Grass finished beef has more fiber in comparison to its grain finished counterpart because it contains three times as much soluble fiber and twice as much insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers dissolve in water while insoluble fibers do not dissolve at all. Insoluble fibers help regulate bowel movements while soluble fiber helps lower LDL cholesterol levels which improves heart health.

Eating meat can be healthy. There are numerous benefits to adding meat into your diet that often goes overlooked, including the following: protein, iron, amino acids, and zinc. To maintain a balanced diet with all of these nutrients in mind, explore new recipes or try sticking to leaner cuts of meat like chicken breast or pork loin for dinner!


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