Why is Grass-Fed Beef So Costly?

 Many people have been choosing the grass-fed beef option over the other conventional meat available in the market, however, as they move to that option, one thing still prickles them – the fact that they carry a much heavier price tag.

Looking at this tag, many people pull out on buying these meats, because the price of course bothers them. The general conception is why spend more when you can get a similar thing for much less? However, the fact is, grass fed beef is much different than the grain-fed beef, and there is a reason that they are costly.

Grass-fed meats are produced in a very different way. The animals are never confined to animal shelters or stables or cells. Instead, they are left free to roam about the grasslands and pastures. Also, their diets do not consist of grains and fodder which make the animals quickly gain weight so that they could be sent for slaughter. The diet grass-fed animals take is only grass and shrubs from the surroundings. This keeps their diet natural and the meat leaner with a better texture. Also, they are never given any growth hormones.

Due to these reasons, the time to market for grass fed meat is just the double of what it takes for producing the grain-fed meats. The higher time to market leads to higher production costs. Thus, the higher sales price. The only reason that grass-fed beef is costly is because its production costs a lot to the ranchers and they sure need to cover those costs.

But, with higher price come higher benefits. The meat is worth it, and a little more price must surely not come as a hinderance to your fitness goals.


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