Why Kerry's Gold Butter Is Everywhere: The Golden Spread That Took the World by Storm

If you've visited an eatery or grocery store establishment in recent times there's a good chance you've seen the familiar golden foil wrapped package in the dairy aisle, or even adorning the tables of restaurants. The distinctive product can be described as Kerry's Gold Butter, and it is indeed taking the world to the streets. But what is behind the huge acceptance of this creamy Irish delicious treat? Let's look into the reasons behind why Kerry's gold butter is all over the place. The rich Irish Tradition: Kerry's Gold Butter originates from Ireland which is known for its lush pastures as well as its dairy farming tradition. The rich history of Irish dairy production dates to the past which Kerry's Gold is proudly takes the tradition forward. The use of milk derived from grass-fed cows that graze in the Emerald Isle's lush green fields gives a distinctive and exceptional standard to the quality of butter. Superior Quality: Kerry's Gold Butter ...