Are Omega 3 Chickens Really Healthy?

When it comes to meat and chicken, their nutritional value and health characteristics has always been in question. Most of the times, foods like beef and chicken are considered to be unhealthy due to the high amount of saturated fats in them and their invariably high omega 6 to omega 3 fatty acids ratio. However, with the newer variety of meats such as grass fed beef and omega 3 chickens, this consideration has to change. Grass Fed Beef as well as Omega 3 Chickens are considered to be very healthy instead. Not only are they leaner and healthier, they have a more palatable taste to with an earthy flavor to them. As for their health characteristics, they are loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, and have a much higher content of healthy fats and a relatively lower content of saturated fats. In fact, omega 3 chickens are claimed to be the healthiest chickens in the world for their highly balanced EFA profiles and rich omega 3 content that helps overcome omega 3 deficiency in ...